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source( you can search for information and vote on restaurants without an Urbanspoon account, you’ll need one to share experiences, post photos, get recommendations, create a wishlist of restaurants you’d like to visit, and more. Everybody who joins makes Urbanspoon a little better, so we’d love to have you.
How Do I Join Urbanspoon?
To become a member, it’s best to first select your local, or preferred, dining area, from the Choose a City section at the top of the home page. Then click Join Urbanspoon. On the Create an Urbanspoon Account page you’ll be asked to enter your e-mail address and create a password.
You can also enter a name and picture that will appear on your profile page and next to your user reviews. The name can be your actual name, or something more anonymous like TexasBBQFan. These can be added later, and changed at any time.
Or, if you’re a Facebook member, you can join Urbanspoon by clicking the Connect with Facebook button at the bottom of the page. This will give you the option to publish your Urbanspoon activity to your Facebook Wall, and let you better interact with friends on Urbanspoon.
Then simply click Create My Account, check your e-mail to confirm, and get started!
How Do I Create or Change My Screen Name?
Click on your screen name at the top of any Urbanspoon page. In your Profile, click Edit Settings. Enter a screen name in the Your name text box, then click Change Settings to save. Your past reviews and other submissions will reflect this change.
How Do I Change My E-Mail Address?
Click on your screen name at the top of any Urbanspoon page. In your Profile, click Edit Settings. Enter a new e-mail address in the Your e-mail address text box, then click Change Settings to save. Your new e-mail address will also be your new login ID.
How Do I Create or Change My Picture?
Click on your screen name at the top of any Urbanspoon page. In your Profile, click Edit settings. In the picture section, click Browse, select a JPG, GIF or PNG file, then click Upload Picture. Your past reviews and other submissions will reflect this change.
How Do I Create or Change the User Bio in My Profile?
Click on your screen name at the top of any Urbanspoon page. In your Profile, click Edit settings. In the About Me text box you can tell other people a little something about yourself. Click Update Bio to save.
How Do I Change My Home City?
Your home city appears on your profile and home page. To change your home city, click on your screen name at the top of any Urbanspoon page. In your profile, click Edit settings. In the Settings section you’ll see a dropdown menu with the cities in which you have Urbanspoon activity. (Note: if you have not yet posted a review or photo, you will not see any cities.) Select your home city, then click Change Settings to save.
What Is the Newsletter and How Do I Subscribe/Unsubscribe?
Every month, Urbanspoon sends out a newsletter tailored to your home city, as well as your friends and individual preferences. The newsletter showcases new restaurants, gives the latest buzz from newspapers and bloggers, updates on your favorite places, and more.
Click on your screen name at the top of any Urbanspoon page. In your profile, click Edit settings. In the Newsletter section, click the Subscribe or Unsubscribe button.
I'm Receiving the Newsletter and/or "Last Minute Openings" E-Mail for the Wrong City. How Can I Fix This?
1. First, visit the Home Page for the city whose newsletter you wish to subscribe to (or any Urbanspoon listing in that area/city).
2. Next, click on your user name in the upper right of the screen, then click Edit settings and Unsubscribe from your current newsletter.
3. Return to Edit settings. You should have the option to subscribe to the newsletter of the city you visited in Step #1
How Can I Recover My Password?
If you’re unsure of your password, you can recover it on this page:
How Do I Stop Receiving or Change the Dates of the "Last Minute Openings" E-Mail?
Click the manage your subscriptions here link at the bottom of the e-mail that you are receiving. Uncheck all of the days of the week to stop receiving the e-mail, or check the day(s) on which you do want to receive the e-mail, then click Update.
How Can I Delete My User Account?
Contact us by clicking Contact Us at the bottom of any page, and request that your account be closed. This will remove all of your reviews, photos and other content.
How Do I Change My E-Mail Address?
Click on your screen name at the top of any Urbanspoon page. In your Profile, click Edit settings . Enter a new e-mail address in the Your e-mail address text box, then click Change Settings to save. Your new e-mail address will also be your new login ID.
Urbanspoon Restaurant Listings
What Qualifies As an Urbanspoon Restaurant?
Urbanspoon defines a restaurant as a location accessible to the general public that prepares and serves food.
Why Can’t I Find a Restaurant Using the Urbanspoon Search?
You can only search within your current city, as shown near the top of your page. (For example: Home > Seattle.) Cities and states near your current one are shown in the top bar on every screen. Click More Cities if the one you want isn’t shown there, then enter its name and click Find City.
You can also browse the Choose a City section, clicking More Cities to see many of the larger cities and metropolitan areas we cover. If the restaurant you’re looking for is not in a major metro area, you might need to select a state or province.
Nope, Definitely Not There — How Do I Add a Restaurant Listing?
If Urbanspoon is missing a restaurant, we’d love for you to add it to our database. First, please note that Urbanspoon only includes restaurants that prepare food and are open to the public. We include airport dining locations only in the larger airports, as these are not technically public (though if one is already listed we let it be).
To add a listing, first be sure you’re viewing the city that the restaurant is located in. Click Add Restaurant, located in the navigation bar at the bottom of each page. On the Add a Restaurant to Urbanspoon page, please enter as much information as you can about the restaurant. When you are finished, click Add Restaurant.
Where Is the Restaurant Listing I Added?
Urbanspoon reviews all new listings before they are added. It is not an automated process, so it may take a little time. Once the listing is added, there may be an additional delay for our search engine to reflect the addition.
What If I Don’t Know the Address or Phone Number When Adding a Listing?
In order to confirm a new listing, we need the restaurant’s name, address and phone number. If you do not know the exact address, the nearest intersection is also acceptable. For the other information we ask that you inquire at the restaurant or check other online sources.
What If I Don’t Know the Zip/Postal Code When Adding a Listing?
As long as we have the street address and city, Urbanspoon can determine the zip code.
What If I Don’t See the City in the Dropdown Menu When Adding a Listing?
Select Other at the bottom of the list, then type in the city.
What If I Have Photos of the Menu, But There Isn’t One Online?
Once the listing is live you will be able to add menu photos, as well as other photos.
How Do I Determine the $ - $$$$ Price Range?
The Price Range gives users a general idea of what they can expect to pay for a dinner main course. If there are only one or two choices above the general range, then go with the lower range. If there are a few choices, it’s better to go with the higher range.
Does ‘Coffee’ or ‘Tea’ Mean Any Coffee or Tea or Just Specialty Drinks?
Almost every restaurant serves coffee or tea, so the categories are reserved for restaurants that focus on these drinks.
Does ‘Kid Friendly’ Mean It Must Have a Children’s Menu?
While a children’s menu helps, many restaurants are still friendly to well-behaved children in their dining rooms.
How Do I Know If a Restaurant Is Gluten-Free or Vegan Friendly?
If you have not confirmed these categories specifically with the restaurant, it is best not to include them.
If a Restaurant Has Live Music Once a Week, Can I Still Select the ‘Live Music’ Category?
You are free to list live music as a special feature so long as a restaurant provides it regularly — even once a week.
How Do I Show that a Restaurant Is Part of a Chain?
If a restaurant is one of a group in your area belonging to the same chain, inform us by clicking Contact Us at the bottom of that restaurant’s listing. Please identify other restaurants belonging to the same chain if they have not already been linked together.
Why Can’t I Find Airport Restaurant Listings?
Urbanspoon is in the process of listing restaurants in major airports. Generally, though, we don't usually include airport locations since they are not accessible by the general public on a walk-in basis.
How Do I Add or Fix Information in a Restaurant Listing?
If a listing has incorrect information, such as a wrong address or web link, or you would like to add missing information such as their operating hours, click Edit Restaurant to reach our corrections form. Edit or add your information, then click Send All Changes. Urbanspoon will review your suggestions.
If you wish to inform us of incorrect information not covered on our corrections form, click Contact Us at the bottom of that restaurant’s listing and send us your suggestions.
Why Haven’t the Corrections I Suggested Been Used?
Urbanspoon reviews all suggestions and corrections before they are implemented. It is not an automated process, so it may take a little time. We greatly appreciate your contributions.
How Can I Find a Restaurant Near ___________?
Urbanspoon makes it easy to find great restaurant choices near a landmark or specific address. Each metro home page has a section called Places. Use this section to locate movie theaters, hotels, sports venues and other landmarks. You can also click Find restaurants Near an address to enter a specific address.
How Can I Add a Theater, Hotel, Sports Venue or Other Landmark to Urbanspoon?
Each metro home page has a section called Places, with links to lists of movie theaters, hotels, sports venues, schools and other landmarks. Below these links, click Find Restaurants Near an Address, then enter the address of the landmark you wish to add. Check your metro's landmark list to make sure that we've got the correct location and that the landmark isn't already there.
Click Add This Location, then on the following page enter the site’s name in the Landmark Title box and click Add Landmark. The final step is to click Contact Us on the Landmark page you just created, and let us know to which landmark section it belongs.
How Do I Report a Closed Restaurant?
Click Edit Restaurant to reach our corrections form. There is a link: Is this restaurant permanently out of business? Click here. [If the link is not there, this means that somebody has already submitted a correction and it is awaiting processing.] Urbanspoon will review your suggestions and mark the restaurant as closed if valid. You can also leave a comment/review for the restaurant, stating that it is closed.
How Do I Combine Duplicate Restaurant Listings?
If you see two listings for the same restaurant, please click Contact Us at the bottom of one of the listings and let us know. Urbanspoon will combine the listings.
How Do I Report a Temporarily Closed Restaurant? (Renovations, Closed for the Season)
To report a restaurant that is temporarily closed, please click Contact Us at the bottom of one of the listings and let us know. Urbanspoon will mark it as such.
How Do I Report an Incorrect and Misleading Map?
Please bring incorrect maps to our attention by clicking Contact Us at the bottom of that restaurant’s listing. Sometimes it can be difficult for us to determine a mapped location using an address, so if you’d like to help us out, you can go to and use that page to find the latitude and longitude of the restaurant.
The Correct Cuisine Isn’t in the Drop Down Menu. How Do I Add It?
Urbanspoon finds unique cuisines in every market. If you know of one we should be including, please send us the information by clicking Contact Us at the bottom of the page. In the meantime, please try to select the closest cuisine when adding a new listing (e.g., “European” instead of “Dutch”).
Urbanspoon User Content
What Should I Keep in Mind When Writing a Review?
Chuck Bradley was Urbanspoon's leading restaurant reviewer when he passed away in July 2013, with over 1500 reviews posted to the site. Chuck gave the following summary of his own reviewing philosophy, and we believe it is good advice for all reviewers to follow.
"My reviews are only my opinions based on my own observations and experiences. I judge each outing on its own merits or lack thereof. With rare exceptions, I endeavor to keep criticisms respectful and objective. Any praise is not a gift but an approbation earned. Your opinions may vary. It is my hope that you will find my comments helpful."
How Do I Delete or Edit My Reviews?
Click your screen name, at the top of any Urbanspoon page. In your profile, click Edit settings and then click the Reviews tab to see all your reviews. Next to each review is a blue Edit link; click it to go to the edit page. On this page you can edit your review or remove it entirely.
How Do I Delete or Edit My Photos and Photo Captions?
Click your screen name, located at the top of any Urbanspoon page. In the upper right hand corner of the screen, click All [your name] restaurant photos to see all your posted photos. Click the photo you wish to delete or whose details you want to edit; when it is enlarged, Delete and Edit Details links appear below it. Click the links to delete the photo or edit the caption or menu item.
Note that the photos themselves cannot be edited on Urbanspoon. To edit a photo, you must delete it from Urbanspoon, edit it using your own computer’s photo editor, and then repost the photo.
Why Are Deleted Reviews/Photos Still in My Profile?
Your Profile contains the complete record of your Urbanspoon activity, even if that content has been removed from the restaurant listing.
How Do I Change My Vote for a Restaurant?
After you vote “I Like It” or “I Don’t,” the listing will display your vote. To change or remove your vote, click Clear Vote, located in small print under your vote. If you do not see your vote, make sure you are logged in.
How Do I Remove a Recommendation for a Review or Photo?
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to remove recommendations.
How Do I Report an Inappropriate Photo?
If you find a photo you believe is unsuitable, click it to enlarge, then click Inappropriate? in the lower right corner below the photo. Urbanspoon will review the photo.
How Do I Complain About an Unfair, Inappropriate, or Offensive Review?
Urbanspoon is an open forum, and individual tastes differ. If you strongly disagree with a review, the best thing to do is write your own. Remember that Urbanspoon does not allow personal attacks, though it is acceptable to directly respond to other users’ opinions and comments. This means more “I disagree with BBQ-Fan and thought the sauce was great.” and less “BBQ-Fan is a moron!”
If you would like to report a comment you believe should be removed because of personal attacks, vulgar language or offensive content, please bring it to our attention by clicking Contact Us at the bottom of the restaurant listing’s page.
Is It Better to Add a Menu as a Photo or a Link?
Links are often easier to read than photos. Flash-enabled links are hard to read on many web-enabled phones, however, so those are better to add as photos. In addition, many online menus do not include prices, while in-restaurant menus almost always do. Exact prices are important to many users, so use the photos in these cases.
How Do I Update a Menu for a Listing that Already Includes One?
Click Contact Us at the bottom of the restaurant listing’s page to let us know that you have a newer menu link or more recent or complete menu photos. We’ll review your submission and get back to you.
Are There English Translations of French Reviews?
Urbanspoon allows French reviews of restaurants located in Quebec. We do not translate these reviews, but you can find free online translation programs at and
*Y at-il la traduction française pour les commentaires d’anglais pour le bénéfice de langue française au Quebec?
Urbanspoon ne traduit pas les commentaires, mais vous trouverez des programmes gratuits de traduction en ligne en and
How Can I View an RSS Feed of my Urbanspoon Activity?
Just log into Urbanspoon and go to My Urbanspoon. Then, click the Newsfeed link at the bottom of the Newsfeed section.
That will show you a human-readable news feed page, and on that page (on the right sidebar) you'll find a link to an RSS feed of the same information.
I Don't Like or Dislike the Restaurant; Why Isn't There a Neutral Vote?
We considered having a middle of the road vote, but decided that having to choose between “Like it” and “Don’t Like” would be more helpful to other diners trying to decide where to eat. Another option is to not vote at all, but to leave a comment about your experience at the restaurant.
Urbanspoon does have a check-in feature. Clicking the link in the voting box will allow you to input the date and time you visited, as well as notes about what you had and the service.
Why Was My Review Removed?
Urbanspoon prohibits certain things from reviews, including profanity, personal attacks, and legal issues. It’s possible that your review was in violation of one of those things. Negative reviews are perfectly fine, however – so we encourage you to re-post your review, possibly in more general terms.
Please note that allegations of health code violations also fall under the category of legal issues; we will review further if accompanied by a specific link to an official source, such as a health department or newspaper website. We certainly allow (and encourage) negative reviews where they're deserved, but this particular subject is really more appropriate for the health department, and we encourage such reporting.
We also do not allow duplicate reviews, (for example: leaving your "I hate Wendy's!" review for 100 Wendy's locations), and require that reviews be relevant and based on your personal experience.
What Is a Guide?
Guides are diner-created lists of restaurants. (e.g. "My favorite sushi in Seattle", "Best steakhouses in the Northwest", "Shortlist for the rehearsal dinner", etc.) The guide creator has the option to make the list public to the entire Urbanspoon user base, for people to vote and comment, or keep it as private to his/her profile.
Who Can Create a Guide?
All logged-in Urbanspoon users can create and edit guides.
How Do I Create a Guide?
Just log into your Urbanspoon account and click the Guides link in the upper right corner of the page. (If you’re on a page that doesn’t display the Guides link, click on the spoon logo in the upper left corner.) Click Create Guide. Enter the title and description and click Create Guide.
Click on Add to a Guide from any Urbanspoon restaurant listing, enter a new guide name and then click Create.
How Do I Add a Restaurant to My Guide?
From the restaurant’s Urbanspoon listing, just click the Add to a Guide link and choose which existing guide you’d like to add it to. If you’ve never created a guide, you’ll be prompted to create a new one.
How Do I Delete a Restaurant from My Guide?
Just log into your Urbanspoon account and click the Guides link in the upper right corner of the page. (If you’re on a page that doesn’t display the Guides link, click on the spoon logo in the upper left corner.) Click on the guide that you want to edit and then click Edit Guide Details. From here, you can use the checkboxes to remove restaurants all together. Be sure to click Save Changes when you’re finished.
Can Restaurants from Different Cities Be Added to the Same Guide?
Yes, guides can include restaurants from any city. However, for example, it's good practice to limit "Seattle’s Best Desserts" to restaurants in Seattle.
How Can I Share My Guide?
To share your guide with the Urbanspoon community, just log into your Urbanspoon account and click the Guides link in the upper right corner of the page. (If you’re on a page that doesn’t display the Guides link, click on the spoon logo in the upper left corner.) Click on the name of the guide that you’d like to share. Then, press Publish Guide on the guide page.
Can I Add a Restaurant to Another User's Guide?
No. You can’t add a restaurant to a guide that was created by another person, but you can leave a comment about a restaurant that you think fits their guide. You never know, they may try it and decide to add it.
Can I Read Other People’s Guides?
Yes and no. If a guide is marked as Private (has not been published by the person who created the guide), it is only accessible to the creator of the guide. If a guide has been published by the person who created it, it is visible to the entire Urbanspoon community.
How Do I Edit an Existing Guide?
Just log into your Urbanspoon account and click the Guides link in the upper right corner of the page. (If you’re on a page that doesn’t display the Guides link, click on the spoon logo in the upper left corner.) Click on the guide that you want to edit and then click Edit Guide Details. From here, you can edit the guide title, the guide description and add/edit individual notes for each restaurant listed in the guide. You can also change the order of the restaurants or use the checkboxes to remove restaurants all together. Be sure to click Save Changes when you’re finished.
How Do I Delete a Guide?
Just log into your Urbanspoon account and click the Guides link in the upper right corner of the page. (If you’re on a page that doesn’t display the Guides link, click on the spoon logo in the upper left corner.) Click on the guide that you want to delete and click Delete Guide. We'll double check that you really want to delete it by asking, "Are you sure you want to delete this guide?" If you’re sure, just click OK and it’ll be deleted.
How Is the Default Photo for My Guide Chosen?
The main photo on your guide is the featured photo from the restaurant in the guide’s #1 slot.
Friends and Primes
How Can I Directly Contact Another User?
Click on any user’s name to see their profile. Click Send a message below their photo to send a message. Urbanspoon takes the privacy of our members seriously, so we don’t provide e-mail addresses for you to contact members outside our messaging system.
How Can I Control Who Is Able to Send Me Messages?
In your Profile, click Edit settings. In the Messages section, you can choose to receive messages from anyone on Urbanspoon, from only your friends, or to block all messages.
How Can I Add a Friend?
When you click on a user’s name, you’ll see a link to add them as a friend. You can follow your friends’ reviews and recommendations from the Edit settings section of your profile. In addition, if a friend has left a Like/Don’t Like vote or a review for a restaurant, you’ll be able to see their opinions when looking at that restaurant’s listing.
How Can I Remove a Friend from My Profile?
From the Following section in the lower right hand corner of your profile page, click on the name of the friend you wish to remove. Click the Unfollow button below their photo. Optionally, you can do this from the Friends tab in the Edit settings section of your profile page.
How Can I See Who Is Following My Activity?
You can see a list of fans that enjoy seeing your reviews, photos, and votes in the Fans box in the lower right hand corner of your profile page.
When a new fan has added you as a friend, you’ll see a notification in your profile and be given the opportunity to add that user as a friend.
How Can I Keep Somebody from Following My Activity?
Urbanspoon is a public site. We are unable to prevent others from seeing your votes, reviews, or photos.
What Is the “Prime” Symbol Next to Some User Names and How Do I Get One?
Urbanspoon Prime is our way of acknowledging the most active members of the Urbanspoon community. These are people who write tons of reviews, share new restaurants and fix mistakes for the rest of us. We even have a couple of fun toys that only Prime members get access to.
Prime status is by invitation, and many things are considered, including restaurant corrections and additions, reviews, votes, friends, and photo submissions. Quality counts as well as quantity, and it’s better to have three well-written reviews with accompanying photos and an address fix than 30 “I like their fries” comments for all the McDonald’s in your city.
While Urbanspoon Prime is by invitation, you are welcome to send us feedback from your city’s home page if you believe that you are being overlooked.
How Can I Locate Another User?
In the right hand column of your profile, under Find Friends, enter the screen name or e-mail address of the person you’re looking for and click Search.
Owners and Managers
How Can I Add My Restaurant to Urbanspoon?
If your restaurant is not listed on Urbanspoon, we’d love for you to add it to our database. First, please note that Urbanspoon only includes restaurants that prepare food and are open to the public. We include airport dining locations only in the larger airports, as these are not technically public.
To add a listing, first be sure you’re viewing the city that the restaurant is located in. Click Add Restaurant, located at the bottom of each page. On the Add a Restaurant to Urbanspoon page, please enter as much information as you can about your restaurant. When you are finished, click Add Restaurant.
Urbanspoon reviews all new listings before they are added to the site. It is not an automated process, so it may take a little time. Once a new listing is added, there may be an additional delay for our search engine to reflect the addition.
How Do I Add or Fix Information in My Restaurant’s Listing?
The best way to add or fix information is to first claim your restaurant listing. After your claim is confirmed, you'll be able to make additions/corrections from your Owner Dashboard; these corrections will be implemented without manual Urbanspoon approval.
If you do not wish to claim your listing at this time, you can still submit changes and corrections to your listing. Click Edit Restaurant on the listing to reach the corrections form. Edit or add your information, then click Send All Changes. All suggestions are individually reviewed by our editors, so it may take some time for them to be implemented
If you wish to inform us of incorrect information not covered on our corrections form, click the Contact Us link at the bottom of the listing to send us your suggestions.
How Can I Advertise on Urbanspoon?
Our advertising structure is simple and inexpensive. To see the details, claim your restaurant listing. Once your claim has been approved, the Advertising section of your Owner Dashboard has options to activate your free 30-day ad or purchase a premium listing or enhanced ad.
What Is the Free 30-Day Ad?
The free 30-day ad gives you 30 days of our Premium Listing service. We’ll send you an automated email two weeks into the advertising run that shows the number of views of the premium listing, and the total number of page views of your restaurant's page on Urbanspoon. That email will include a link to a page (only available to you) where you can follow those statistics for the rest of the trial, or after the trial is complete.
What Are Premium Listings and Enhanced Ads, and How Much Do They Cost?
The Premium Listing will highlight your restaurant across all relevant directory pages (cuisines, special features, neighborhood, etc.), which will make far more people browsing Urbanspoon see your listing, many of whom will navigate to see your full restaurant page.
An Enhanced Listing lets you add a custom message and photo to your listing, giving you a chance to make a better impression when diners find your restaurant. Visitors will see your message and picture towards the top of the web page (and in our apps).
Premium Listings are $199/year. Enhanced Listings are $99/year. All payments must be made through PayPal.
How Can I Advertise for Multiple Locations on Urbanspoon?
Urbanspoon offers group pricing (buy four get one free) when you purchase advertising for multiple listings.
How Can I Change the Text or Photo in My Ad?
Just send us a note (using email or the Contact Us link at the bottom of any Urbanspoon page) with the change you’d like to make, and after we confirm it’s you, we’ll put it into the system.
How Are Restaurant Rankings Determined?
We can't share the specific formula we use for determining our rankings, although it’s based on users’ votes. We regularly tweak our algorithm to make sure people can’t game the system to artificially inflate their rankings. We can say that there's no way to buy ranking, and advertising isn't taken into account in the calculation.
How Can I Remove My Restaurant from Urbanspoon?
Urbanspoon aims to provide comprehensive listings to help our users find a place to eat, and pull together a range of opinions from local critics, bloggers, and users. We're sort of like a specialized Google focusing on restaurants, so our users would be disappointed if we didn't include a restaurant they wanted to try. We don't charge restaurants to be listed, and we don't remove restaurants from the listings.
How Do I Complain to Urbanspoon About an Unfair, Inappropriate, or Offensive Review?
Urbanspoon attempts to remove all reviews that violate our guidelines (such as obscenity); if a review doesn’t violate our guidelines, we leave it in place. Urbanspoon welcomes all opinions and will not remove a review at anyone’s request unless it violates our policies; we do not remove reviews strictly for being negative, because the user just joined Urbanspoon, etc.
If you would like to report a comment you believe should be removed, please bring it to our attention by clicking Contact Us at the bottom of the restaurant listing’s page.
I Own or Manage a Restaurant. Do I Have Any Special Privileges?
Urbanspoon gives owners and managers the opportunity to claim their restaurant listing. Claiming your listing lets you add and edit information without waiting for approval, post direct and official responses to user reviews, see voting trends for your restaurant, and activate a free, no-obligation, 30-day ad. It's fast, free, and requires no credit card number.
North American owners/managers can claim an Urbanspoon listing by clicking Is this your restaurant? on the top of the listing. Follow the instructions to be confirmed as the restaurant's owner/manager.
Owner/managers in other areas should click the Contact Us link at the bottom of the restaurant listing. Send us a request with the “Claim your listing” topic and include one or more windows of time when you can be reached at the restaurant.
Once your Owner claim is verified, click the Manage Restaurant link that will be at the top of any Urbanspoon page (when you are logged in) to access your Owner Dashboard and manage your listing.
How Can I Respond to Reviews?
Urbanspoon removes reviews that violate our standards and guidelines (such as those that contain profanity), but we do not remove reviews strictly for being negative or even rude. If you would like us to evaluate any activity for violations of our guidelines, click the Contact Us link on your listing to submit a request.
If a review is not eligible for removal, you are welcome to post a public response. Responding to reviews is tricky, and we recommend considering other options, such as a private message or no response at all. While it can be frustrating to read negative reviews, we advise against getting down in the mud. A potential diner might simply dismiss or ignore an angry reviewer. However, it can be a turnoff to read a rude owner response or an extended, back-and-forth argument. An ill-considered response can be more damaging than the original negative review.
If you respond, the best course of action is to first claim your listing. (See “How can I improve or correct my Urbanspoon listing?”) From the User Reviews area of the Owner Dashboard, you will be able to view and respond to comments. Responses will appear directly below the original review, clearly identified as coming from the restaurant management, and should be written with that in mind; avoid general or promotional statements, as well as a single response to multiple comments.
If you do not wish to claim your listing, you may still respond to reviews, although the response may not appear near the original review, and it will not be identified as coming from the restaurant. In all cases, your messages must clearly disclose your relationship/position with the restaurant, either in your comment or in your user name. Restaurants, like all users, are limited to one account. Violations are subject to removal.
Owner/manager responses are subject to the same guidelines as user reviews, including no profanity, personal attacks, or legal/criminal allegations. Be calm, clear and concise, and try to stick to the facts and avoid insults or allegations. Remember that your audience isn't only the person who wrote the negative review, but also potential diners who are being introduced to you and your restaurant.
How Can I Successfully Communicate With Diners and Users on Urbanspoon?
Urbanspoon offers both public and private methods of communicating with users.
Private messaging lets you contact users directly, and we suggest that you try a private message before posting a public response to a review. Messaging is the best way to reach somebody (who knows if they’ll ever return to the listing to see your public response?), and we have seen many customers give a restaurant another chance after their concerns and questions were directly addressed. A private message is also the best way to thank users for a good review. To send a message, click their user name to reach their profile, then click “Send a Message.”
We strongly discourage “Spam” posts and messages (“Check out our $9.95 holiday menu!”), whether posted publicly or sent privately; we have advertising programs available for such content.
Why Did Votes for My Restaurant Disappear?
We have an automated vote fraud detection system, and it looks for highly suspicious behavior and deletes those votes. Most likely our system flagged those votes as suspicious, especially if there was a sudden burst of activity. We do our best to distinguish legitimate votes from fraudulent votes, but the system doesn't always guess right.
The best thing for you to do is ask your fans to write a review, or to vote with a registered account. This will help other visitors learn more about your restaurant and menu, and is a really strong show of support.
Please be aware that restaurants, like all users, are limited to one account.
Am I Allowed to Post or Send Promotional Messages?
We strongly discourage promotional posts and messages ("Check out our $9.95 holiday menu!"), whether posted publicly or sent privately; we have advertising programs available for such messages. We do not allow restaurants to post "comment card" type messages they may have received from their customers. We may allow brief messages regarding news such as a change of ownership or other such major events. Please contact us if you have any questions about what constitutes a promotional post/message.
How Is the Review Display Order Determined?
Urbanspoon uses a relevance-based sorting system as our default order. This takes several factors into account, including the experience of the diner who left the comment and the date the comment was written. It does not factor in the opinion of the comment. You may also manually sort the comments chronologically.
What's the Best Way for My Customers to Show Their Support?
“Vote for us on Urbanspoon” messages on Facebook, Twitter and through e-mail are popular, but the results tell customers little about your restaurant other than people like it...for some unknown reason. In addition, our automated fraud detection system can have difficulty distinguishing between a sudden burst of legitimate votes and an attempt at gaming our system. A hundred votes in an hour for a listing that had 20 in the past year can look pretty suspicious to our system.
The best way for your customers to show support is to write a review, post photos of the restaurant and favorite menu items, and vote with a registered account. This will help potential visitors learn more about your restaurant and menu, and is a really strong show of support.
Urbanspoon does not allow restaurants to offer tangible rewards for votes and reviews. Examples include “Leave a review for us on Urbanspoon and get a free cupcake!” posts on Facebook, having a contest or random drawing based on Urbanspoon activity, or approaching customers and offering them discounts in exchange for positive reviews. If you have any questions about what might constitute a violation, check with us via the Contact Us link at the bottom of your listing.
What Are the Rules Regarding Comments and Reviews from Owners, Managers and Other Associates?
Urbanspoon limits restaurants to one account, and requires comments to clearly state the writer's relationship with the restaurant. While we encourage the posting of menus and photos, and the updating of information, we do not allow promotional posts or 'third party' reviews from restaurants, management, and other related parties (such as family members). Such promotional and "shill" reviews will be removed.
How Can I Update My Menu on Urbanspoon?
The best way to add or fix information is to first claim your restaurant listing. Once you've done so, you can remove any photos of the menu by clicking them and then choosing the "Remove all menu photos" option at the bottom of the screen. Then, add a new photo of your menu by clicking "Add a menu photo" from your listing.
If you wish to remove Menu Items, or the menu provided by SinglePlatform, send us a note via the Contact Us link at the bottom of any Urbanspoon page with a description of the change you’d like to make.
If you need to add or update the link to the menu on your restaurant's website, you can do so via the Owner Dashboard.
How Can I Link My Blog Posts to Urbanspoon?
Spoonbacks are automatic links from Urbanspoon restaurant pages to blog posts. You review the restaurant on your blog, we'll link to your post. The link appears in a special Blogs section on each Urbanspoon restaurant page, along with a short teaser of your review.
Every restaurant listing has the following link near Latest Reviews and Guides: Add a review. Click on this link, then click on Add a blog review to learn about using the spoonback system.
Can I Just Link to My Blog in the User Reviews?
All of the bloggers we link to are using the Spoonback system. Urbanspoon does not allow users to post blog links as regular comments.
Do I Need the Urbanspoon/Spoonback Link on My Blog to Get It Linked from Urbanspoon?
Yes. Spoonbacks are a two-way system: Urbanspoon links to your blog and your blog links to Urbanspoon. It’s a great way to gain exposure for your blog, and it’s a system that all of the bloggers we link to use.
How Does Urbanspoon Prevent Spam?
We have measures in place to prevent abuse. There is also a manual approval process for each new blog.
Why Are Spoonbacks Not Working for Me?
Here are a couple of things to check:
It can sometimes take up to a few days for your blog to complete our approval process. Don't expect your posts to appear immediately on Urbanspoon.
Did you remember to paste the spoonback code into each post you wish to link? We need these in order to detect your blog.
For further troubleshooting, you can check out the FAQ on the spoonback page found on each restaurant listing (click +Add your review to see the spoonback page).
Who Are Leading Bloggers and How Is That Calculated?
Each area’s homepage shows recent blog posts as well as a link to that area’s Leading Bloggers. The Leading Bloggers section shows blogs with the most Urbanspoon views over the past month. This fluctuates as the restaurants reviewed get more or fewer visits. Sometimes a number will spike or drop because of a particular restaurant's popularity on Urbanspoon.
This “views” number correlates to how much traffic Urbanspoon sends to your blog, since the more people that visit those restaurants, the more people see our link to your blog posts.
Are There Any Extras or Widgets I Can Use for My Blog?
In the right column of your blog's home page on Urbanspoon, click Add a badge to your blog. You’ll find blog rank widgets, a map widget showing every restaurant you've reviewed, and a list widget of every restaurant you've marked as a favorite. Just post the provided HTML code to your site to add these widgets.
There's also our slot machine, which mimics the Urbanspoon iPhone application. Here's a link to it: The code is at the bottom of the page.
How Long Will It Take for My Blog Link to Appear on Urbanspoon?
Most of our Spoonback system is automatic, but there's a final verification process that involves a real person. That means it can sometimes take up to a few days for links to your posts to go live on Urbanspoon. If it has been significantly longer than that, contact us through the Contact Us link at the very bottom of the restaurant listing page and we'll investigate. It's helpful if you can provide us with links to the blog posts in question.
Okay, I've Waited a Week. Why Is My Blog Post Not Displaying on Urbanspoon?
Though we appreciate the great blogging contributions to Urbanspoon, not all blog posts are eligible for inclusion on the site. Below are a few types of posts which fall into this category.
Posts without specific content about the restaurant(s), such as a list of places visited on vacation, without any details about the restaurants.
Posts about a one-time or private event.
Posts not based on personal experience, such as links/summaries of newspaper articles or blog posts.
Round-up posts that link to previous reviews, such as "My Top Ten of 2012."
Posts with excessive spoonbacks, such as a review of the Shamrock Shake that includes links to 20 different McDonald's listings in your area.
If you have any questions about the above, please contact us by clicking Contact Us at the bottom of any page.
I Revisited a Restaurant — Why Hasn’t the Link Posted?
To avoid duplicates, our system ignores posts about a restaurant you've already blogged about. If you write a revisit post, there are two ways for us to link to it:
1. If you have access to Edit My Published Posts (we will inform you if you have access), you can publish your own revisit posts. Find your previous post for the restaurant and click Add a revisit blog post for this restaurant. Fill in the date, an excerpt from the new post, and the direct link to that blog post. Click Create Revisit Post to add the post to Urbanspoon.
2. If you do not have access, just contact us to manually link to the post. A good place to do this is the Contact Us link at the very bottom of the restaurant listing page. Please include the link to your post(s).
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