Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013

Funny Photo Christmas Cards Biography


You see them everywhere. The teenage girl with the iPod, sitting across from you on the subway, frenetically typing messages into her cell phone. The whiz kid summer intern in your office who knows what to do when your e-mail client crashes. The eight-year-old who can beat you at any video game on the market—and types faster than you do, too. Even your niece’s newborn baby in London, whom you’ve never met, but with whom you have bonded nonetheless, owing to the new batch of baby photos that arrive each week.

All of them are “Digital Natives.” They were all born after 1980, when social digital technologies, such as Usenet and bulletin board systems, came online. They all have access to networked digital technologies. And they all have the skills to use those technologies. (Except for the baby—but she’ll learn soon enough.)

Chances are, you’ve been impressed with some of the skills these Digital Natives possess. Maybe your young assistant has shown you a hilarious political satire online that you never would have found on your own, or made presentation materials for you that make your own PowerPoint slides seem medieval by comparison. Maybe your son has Photoshopped a cloud out of a family vacation photo and turned it into the perfect Christmas card. Maybe that eight-year-old made a funny video on her own that tens of thousands of people watched on YouTube.

But there’s also a good chance that a Digital Native has annoyed you. That same assistant, perhaps, writes inappropriately casual e-mails to your clients—and somehow still doesn’t know how to put together an actual printed letter. Or maybe your daughter never comes down for dinner on time because she’s always busy online, chatting with her friends. And when she does come down to dinner, she won’t stop texting those same friends under the table.
These kids are different. They study, work, write, and interact with each other in ways that are very different from the ways that you did growing up.

Maybe you’re even a bit frightened by these Digital Natives. Your son has told you, perhaps, that a boy in his ninth-grade class is putting up scary, violent messages on his Web page. Or you heard about that ring of college kids who hacked into a company website and stole 487 credit-card numbers before getting caught by police.

There is one thing you know for sure: These kids are different. They study, work, write, and interact with each other in ways that are very different from the ways that you did growing up. They read blogs rather than newspapers. They often meet each other online before they meet in person. They probably don’t even know what a library card looks like, much less have one; and if they do, they’ve probably never used it. They get their music online—often for free, illegally—rather than buying it in record stores. They’re more likely to send an instant message (IM) than to pick up the telephone to arrange a date later in the afternoon. They adopt and pal around with virtual Neopets online instead of pound puppies. And they’re connected to one another by a common culture. Major aspects of their lives—social interactions, friendships, civic activities—are mediated by digital technologies. And they’ve never known any other way of life.

Beginning in the late 1970s, the world began to change—and fast. The first online bulletin board system (or “BBS,” for short) let people with clunky computer equipment and access to telephone lines swap documents, read news online, and send one another messages. Usenet groups, organized around topics of interest to communities of users, became popular in the early 1980s. E-mail began to enter popular usage later in the 1980s. The World Wide Web made its debut in 1991, with easy-to-use browsers widely accessible a few years later. Search engines, portals, and e-commerce sites hit the scene in the late 1990s. By the turn of the millennium, the first social networks and blogs cropped up online. In 2001, Polaroid declared bankruptcy, just as sales of digital cameras started to take off. In 2006, Tower Records liquidated its stores; by 2008, iTunes had become the largest music retailer in the United States. Today, most young people in many societies around the world carry mobile devices—cell phones, Sidekicks, iPhones—at all times, and these devices don’t just make phone calls; they also send text messages, surf the Internet, and download music.

This is the most rapid period of technological transformation ever, at least when it comes to information. The Chinese invented the printing press several centuries before Johannes Gutenberg developed the European printing press in the mid-1400s and churned out his first Bibles. Few people could afford the printed books made possible by presses for another several centuries. By contrast, the invention and adoption of digital technologies by more than a billion people worldwide has occurred over the span of a few decades. Despite the saturation of digital technologies in many cultures, no generation has yet lived from cradle to grave in the digital era.

No major aspect of modern life is untouched by the way many of us now use information technologies. Business, for instance, can be done more quickly and over greater distances, often with much less capital required to get up and running. Politicians e-mail their constituents, offer video introductions to their campaigns on their websites, and provide volunteers with sophisticated digital tools to organize events on their own. Even religion is being transformed: Priests and pastors, imams, rabbis, gurus, and even Buddhist monks have begun to reach their faithful through their weblogs.

Most notable, however, is the way the digital era has transformed how people live their lives and relate to one another and to the world around them. Some older people were there at the start, and these “Digital Settlers”—though not native to the digital environment, because they grew up in an analog-only world—have helped to shape its contours. These older people are online, too, and often quite sophisticated in their use of these technologies, but they also continue to rely heavily on traditional, analog forms of interaction. Others less familiar with this environment, “Digital Immigrants,” learned how to e-mail and use social networks late in life. You know them by the lame jokes and warnings about urban myths that they still forward to large cc: lists. Those who were born digital don’t remember a world in which letters were printed and sent, much less handwritten, or where people met up at formal dances rather than on Facebook. The changing nature of human relationships is second nature to some, and learned behavior to others.

This narrative is about those who wear the earbuds of an iPod on the subway to their first job, not those of us who still remember how to operate a Sony Walkman or remember buying LPs or eight-track tapes. Much is changing beyond just how much young people pay (or don’t pay) for their music. The young people becoming university students and new entrants in the workforce, while living much of their lives online, are different from us along many dimensions. Unlike those of us just a shade older, this new generation didn’t have to relearn anything to live lives of digital immersion. They learned in digital the first time around; they only know a world that is digital.  was born April 3, 1953 in Orange, N.J. --immortalized (the city, not my birth) in the song, “I Met a Peach in Orange, New Jersey in Apple Blossom Time.” I grew up in Philadelphia, if indeed anywhere, the third child in a casually Quaker family of four girls, and from Kindergarten through 12th Grade went to the truly terrific Germantown Friends School, where my father, Bob, taught English and was head of the Upper School. My mother, Jeanne, did everything else, and admirably. My dad went on to found Boynton/Cook Publishers, now owned by Heinemann, and was at the forefront of an uncommonly common-sense approach to the teaching of writing.

I went to Yale, and majored, happily if unimaginatively, in English. The summer after my junior year (1973), I couldn’t face the prospect of waitressing again, though I had almost perfected the requisite accommodating manner. Instead, I designed gift cards and Christmas cards, had my Uncle Bill, a printer, print them, and I trudged around to various East Coast stores selling them. In the summer between college graduation and graduate school in drama at U.C. Berkeley, I continued to sell the cards, did more designs, took them to a trade show in New York City, and at summer’s end, signed up with a Chicago company called Recycled Paper Greetings, founded by Amherst College classmates, Phil Friedmann and Mike Keiser. (In addition to his card company stewardship, Mike is now the mastermind/owner of the two most beautiful golf courses in America, Bandon Dunes and Pacific Dunes, in Bandon, Oregon.)

I went to U.C. Berkeley for a year, then dropped out, transferred to Yale School of Drama for a year and a half, then dropped out. Then I married tall, swarthy and cheerfully subversive Yale wrestling captain/1972 Olympic bronze medalist in Whitewater Canoe Slalom (singles), Jamie McEwan. We moved to a farm in the foothills of the Berkshires, and over time collaborated on four perfect children and two quirky books: The Story of Grump and Pout, Crown 1983 (now, alas, out of print); and The Heart of Cool, Atheneum 2001.) We all lived in the French Pyrenees for 1991/92 so that Jamie could train for the Barcelona Olympics, this time in doubles canoe with Lecky Haller. (They came in 4th.) Jamie has also been a member of several “alpine style” whitewater expeditions to Bhutan, Mexico, British Columbia, and Tibet (this last the subject of two books: The Last River by Todd Balf, and Courting the Diamond Sow by Wickliffe Walker.) Jamie and our son Devin were on the USA Whitewater Team in 2001 as a two-man canoe team.


CARDS AND STUFF ........ .....

Over the past thirty-odd, odd years, I have designed, by varying estimates (none of them in fact mine because I’ve not yet gotten sufficiently motivated to start counting) somewhere between 4,000 and 6,000 greeting cards. Almost all were published by Recycled Paper, 1975 to 1996. They sold 50 to 80 million Boynton cards per year in the peak years (1980’s). Probably my best known card is a birthday card, “Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,” first printed in 1975, pretty much continuously in print since then, redrawn 5 times, 10 million copies sold. In 2003, I started doing a few card designs again, for the sake of auld lang syne.

Along the way, I have also designed many other wry and/or cute but largely irrelevant things: aprons, baby clothes, baby toys, balloons, baseball caps, bed sheets, buttons, boxer shorts, calendars, crib sets, date books, fabric, gift wrap, invitations, magnets, mugs, note pads, plush, popcorn tins, posters, Post-its, puppets, puzzles, rubber stamps, shopping lists, ski hats, socks, sleepwear, stickers, sweaters, t-shirts, ties, towels, wallpaper, and ziggurats. Well, okay, no ziggurats. Yet.

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And I’ve written/illustrated a lot of books for discerning children, and some other books for peculiar adults. I wrote my first children’s book, Hippos Go Berserk, in 1977 as a January Project while I was still a student the Yale School of Drama. I have no idea why they let me get away with that. Actually, I really wrote my first children’s book at age four; it was called The Funny Animal, and the entire text goes: “Once there was a funny animal. One day he had a birthday party. All the animals came. They did not like it, so they left. The end.” Clearly I had made very little thematic progress between 1957 and 1977.

My first non-children’s book was Chocolate: The Consuming Passion (retired from print in 2002, after 20 years of noble service) for the quirky and creative independent publishing house, Workman Publishing. The book was largely motivated by the allure of having all my chocolate expenses be tax-deductible for a year. The fabulous editor, Suzanne Rafer, has been my lone and loyal Workman editor and buddy for lo these many years and books since. I have worked also with one of the Big Guys, Simon and Schuster, with the irrepressible Robin Corey as my spirited editor, friend and guide. In 2007, Robin was given her own imprint, Robin Corey Books, at Random House, and to celebrate her new adventure, I have created the Pookie books.

By 1995, my secret ambition of being a rock star was still unrealized due to the fact that, in all the excitement, I forgot to do that. And also due to the appalling indifference of a fickle music-buying public. And also perhaps because I don’t really sing and can’t really play any instrument. So I decided to write and produce music instead because hey, how hard can THAT be? I wrote the words for “Rhinoceros Tap,” which fell into the hands of the brilliant yet provocatively humble Michael Ford, a composer and pianist. Mike sent me a demo of his composition for that song, and the rest is History, except that there aren’t any Assignment Questions that begin with “Compare and contrast.” Together, Mike and I have now written more than sixty songs (and several more unreleased songs that still need A LOT of work) recorded by various singers—some famous, all noteworthy—collected in four albums sold as book/recording sets: Rhinoceros Tap (Workman 1996, a spiffier version was released in May 2004,) Philadelphia Chickens (2002), Dog Train (2005) and Blue Moo:17 Jukebox Hits from Way Back Never (2007.) Rounder Records has also released the albums as stand-alone CDs.
The first three albums have been certified Gold by the RIAA, and Philadelphia Chickens was nimonated fro a Grammy. That’s a typo, yet I feel that “nimonated” is too fine a word to correct.

Between the first two recording projects, giddy with my new-found calling, I wrote and composed a most unlikely non-children’s album (with illuminated book) Grunt: Pigorian Chant. It’s plainchant and polyphony written in Latin and Pig Latin. I like to think of Grunt as the culmination of a lifetime of joyfully squandering an expensive education on producing works of no apparent usefulness. To prepare and conduct the recording sessions, I asked Fenno Heath, director emeritus of the Yale Glee Club, who never says no; and he called up twenty singers, and no one ever says no to the chance to sing with Fenno. It became’s best-selling title in its category in 1999, which is true but don’t think about it too closely.

Subsequently, I had the unexpected privilege to write the text for three serious pieces of choral music by Fenno. One of these, “Invocation”, was performed at Avery Fisher Hall in 2002. Really.


I work happily amidst glorious vintage clutter in a converted barn, which sports perhaps the only hippo weathervane in New England.

I choose the projects I do and products I design somewhat at whim, and only if there’s a company that looks interesting to work with. I only “license” what I can develop and design myself, rather than letting companies adapt my characters according to their own sense and sensibility. I have no agent, no business manager, no contracts attorney. This is a rather haphazard way to do things, but it’s more fun than an actual plan. Since I’m not sufficiently committed to Optimizing Market Potential, I seem to be a bewilderment and, one hopes, a minor annoyance to many. was born April 3, 1953 in Orange, N.J. --immortalized (the city, not my birth) in the song, “I Met a Peach in Orange, New Jersey in Apple Blossom Time.” I grew up in Philadelphia, if indeed anywhere, the third child in a casually Quaker family of four girls, and from Kindergarten through 12th Grade went to the truly terrific Germantown Friends School, where my father, Bob, taught English and was head of the Upper School. My mother, Jeanne, did everything else, and admirably. My dad went on to found Boynton/Cook Publishers, now owned by Heinemann, and was at the forefront of an uncommonly common-sense approach to the teaching of writing.

I went to Yale, and majored, happily if unimaginatively, in English. The summer after my junior year (1973), I couldn’t face the prospect of waitressing again, though I had almost perfected the requisite accommodating manner. Instead, I designed gift cards and Christmas cards, had my Uncle Bill, a printer, print them, and I trudged around to various East Coast stores selling them. In the summer between college graduation and graduate school in drama at U.C. Berkeley, I continued to sell the cards, did more designs, took them to a trade show in New York City, and at summer’s end, signed up with a Chicago company called Recycled Paper Greetings, founded by Amherst College classmates, Phil Friedmann and Mike Keiser. (In addition to his card company stewardship, Mike is now the mastermind/owner of the two most beautiful golf courses in America, Bandon Dunes and Pacific Dunes, in Bandon, Oregon.)

I went to U.C. Berkeley for a year, then dropped out, transferred to Yale School of Drama for a year and a half, then dropped out. Then I married tall, swarthy and cheerfully subversive Yale wrestling captain/1972 Olympic bronze medalist in Whitewater Canoe Slalom (singles), Jamie McEwan. We moved to a farm in the foothills of the Berkshires, and over time collaborated on four perfect children and two quirky books: The Story of Grump and Pout, Crown 1983 (now, alas, out of print); and The Heart of Cool, Atheneum 2001.) We all lived in the French Pyrenees for 1991/92 so that Jamie could train for the Barcelona Olympics, this time in doubles canoe with Lecky Haller. (They came in 4th.) Jamie has also been a member of several “alpine style” whitewater expeditions to Bhutan, Mexico, British Columbia, and Tibet (this last the subject of two books: The Last River by Todd Balf, and Courting the Diamond Sow by Wickliffe Walker.) Jamie and our son Devin were on the USA Whitewater Team in 2001 as a two-man canoe team.


CARDS AND STUFF ........ .....

Over the past thirty-odd, odd years, I have designed, by varying estimates (none of them in fact mine because I’ve not yet gotten sufficiently motivated to start counting) somewhere between 4,000 and 6,000 greeting cards. Almost all were published by Recycled Paper, 1975 to 1996. They sold 50 to 80 million Boynton cards per year in the peak years (1980’s). Probably my best known card is a birthday card, “Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,” first printed in 1975, pretty much continuously in print since then, redrawn 5 times, 10 million copies sold. In 2003, I started doing a few card designs again, for the sake of auld lang syne.

Along the way, I have also designed many other wry and/or cute but largely irrelevant things: aprons, baby clothes, baby toys, balloons, baseball caps, bed sheets, buttons, boxer shorts, calendars, crib sets, date books, fabric, gift wrap, invitations, magnets, mugs, note pads, plush, popcorn tins, posters, Post-its, puppets, puzzles, rubber stamps, shopping lists, ski hats, socks, sleepwear, stickers, sweaters, t-shirts, ties, towels, wallpaper, and ziggurats. Well, okay, no ziggurats. Yet.

[Bored? Why not visit HOMESTARRUNNER.COM!]


And I’ve written/illustrated a lot of books for discerning children, and some other books for peculiar adults. I wrote my first children’s book, Hippos Go Berserk, in 1977 as a January Project while I was still a student the Yale School of Drama. I have no idea why they let me get away with that. Actually, I really wrote my first children’s book at age four; it was called The Funny Animal, and the entire text goes: “Once there was a funny animal. One day he had a birthday party. All the animals came. They did not like it, so they left. The end.” Clearly I had made very little thematic progress between 1957 and 1977.

My first non-children’s book was Chocolate: The Consuming Passion (retired from print in 2002, after 20 years of noble service) for the quirky and creative independent publishing house, Workman Publishing. The book was largely motivated by the allure of having all my chocolate expenses be tax-deductible for a year. The fabulous editor, Suzanne Rafer, has been my lone and loyal Workman editor and buddy for lo these many years and books since. I have worked also with one of the Big Guys, Simon and Schuster, with the irrepressible Robin Corey as my spirited editor, friend and guide. In 2007, Robin was given her own imprint, Robin Corey Books, at Random House, and to celebrate her new adventure, I have created the Pookie books.

By 1995, my secret ambition of being a rock star was still unrealized due to the fact that, in all the excitement, I forgot to do that. And also due to the appalling indifference of a fickle music-buying public. And also perhaps because I don’t really sing and can’t really play any instrument. So I decided to write and produce music instead because hey, how hard can THAT be? I wrote the words for “Rhinoceros Tap,” which fell into the hands of the brilliant yet provocatively humble Michael Ford, a composer and pianist. Mike sent me a demo of his composition for that song, and the rest is History, except that there aren’t any Assignment Questions that begin with “Compare and contrast.” Together, Mike and I have now written more than sixty songs (and several more unreleased songs that still need A LOT of work) recorded by various singers—some famous, all noteworthy—collected in four albums sold as book/recording sets: Rhinoceros Tap (Workman 1996, a spiffier version was released in May 2004,) Philadelphia Chickens (2002), Dog Train (2005) and Blue Moo:17 Jukebox Hits from Way Back Never (2007.) Rounder Records has also released the albums as stand-alone CDs.
The first three albums have been certified Gold by the RIAA, and Philadelphia Chickens was nimonated fro a Grammy. That’s a typo, yet I feel that “nimonated” is too fine a word to correct.

Between the first two recording projects, giddy with my new-found calling, I wrote and composed a most unlikely non-children’s album (with illuminated book) Grunt: Pigorian Chant. It’s plainchant and polyphony written in Latin and Pig Latin. I like to think of Grunt as the culmination of a lifetime of joyfully squandering an expensive education on producing works of no apparent usefulness. To prepare and conduct the recording sessions, I asked Fenno Heath, director emeritus of the Yale Glee Club, who never says no; and he called up twenty singers, and no one ever says no to the chance to sing with Fenno. It became’s best-selling title in its category in 1999, which is true but don’t think about it too closely.

Subsequently, I had the unexpected privilege to write the text for three serious pieces of choral music by Fenno. One of these, “Invocation”, was performed at Avery Fisher Hall in 2002. Really.

I work happily amidst glorious vintage clutter in a converted barn, which sports perhaps the only hippo weathervane in New England.

I choose the projects I do and products I design somewhat at whim, and only if there’s a company that looks interesting to work with. I only “license” what I can develop and design myself, rather than letting companies adapt my characters according to their own sense and sensibility. I have no agent, no business manager, no contracts attorney. This is a rather haphazard way to do things, but it’s more fun than an actual plan. Since I’m not sufficiently committed to Optimizing Market Potential, I seem to be a bewilderment and, one hopes, a minor annoyance to many.

Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013
Funny Photo Christmas Cards For Kids Of Girl For Facebook Of People For Fb Tumblr Of Women Of Animals 2013

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